Who We Are And What We Do

Renewing Christian Disciples, Strengthening Local Churches.

  • To be the hands and feet of Christ

    To be the hands and feet of Christ

    Empowering leaders to be the hands and feet of Christ. Emmaus ministries help empower Christians to actively serve and share God's love in their local communities.

  • Strengthening Local Churches

    Strengthening Local Churches

    The Emmaus ministries partner with local churches to encourage Christian Discipleship and mission within local communities.

  • A Journey with Christ

    A Journey with Christ

    Each of the programs within the Emmaus Ministry will take people on a spiritual journey including prayer, fellowship, communion and engaging talks on God's Grace.

  • Global Movement

    A Global movement

    Emmaus is a global movement of Christians overseen by the Upper Room. Over one million people have attended an Emmaus Ministries experience.

  • Mission


    “I continue to dream and pray about a revival of holiness in our day that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community in which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of the Spirit to fulfil God’s creational intentions.” -- Unknown

Our Community Board

The Community Board is responsible for the oversight of all Emmaus Ministries in the Community,
Including Walk to Emmaus, Chrysalis and Face to Face.
Board members come from various walks of life and are all experienced members from the community.
Please feel free to contact any member of the Board by clicking on the board members name.

Community Lay Director (CLD)

Allister Hunziker

Community Lay Director (CLD)
Community Spiritual Director (CSD)
Community Spiritual Director (CSD)
Community Secretary
Community Secretary
Community Treasurer
Community Treasurer

Please do not hesitate to contact us whenever you have a question!

Prayer Vigils!

Hands and Heart 


Please support your Emmaus Communities in Prayer!